█ Mayhem █
1984 - 1987
I. 1982/83 - 1984
Unofficially, Mayhem was born in 1982/1983 when Øystein started to play with friends in their primary school.
1984 - 1987
I. 1982/83 - 1984
Unofficially, Mayhem was born in 1982/1983 when Øystein started to play with friends in their primary school.
Øystein had already the name "Mayhem" before he could play a note.
Contrary to some other stories, the name came from the news columns on page two in "Kerrang".
At the time, the lineup was :
- Øystein : Guitars
- Glenn Larsen : Bass
- Espen Mortensen : Drums
- Truls (?) : Singer
And a second guitarist..
They made only a few rehearsal and the first Mayhem gig ever was at a school party.
They just played different metal covers and the closest thing to black metal was a cover of Venom : "Evil in league with Satan".
This lineup existed for about 8/10 months.
One of their last rehearsal was on May 17, 1984.
A couple of weeks later, Øystein met Jørn, he showed him the rehearsal place, talk a lot together and decided to make a band.
They asked to Nils Svensson if he was interested to join them as singer.
They had some rehearsals in the "Old Barn" in Langhus but after a while, Nils decided to leave the band because the style they wanted to play was not his cup of tea.
Nils was replaced for a short period by a guy named Stele.
Contrary to some other stories, the name came from the news columns on page two in "Kerrang".
At the time, the lineup was :
- Øystein : Guitars
- Glenn Larsen : Bass
- Espen Mortensen : Drums
- Truls (?) : Singer
And a second guitarist..
They made only a few rehearsal and the first Mayhem gig ever was at a school party.
They just played different metal covers and the closest thing to black metal was a cover of Venom : "Evil in league with Satan".
This lineup existed for about 8/10 months.
One of their last rehearsal was on May 17, 1984.
A couple of weeks later, Øystein met Jørn, he showed him the rehearsal place, talk a lot together and decided to make a band.
They asked to Nils Svensson if he was interested to join them as singer.
They had some rehearsals in the "Old Barn" in Langhus but after a while, Nils decided to leave the band because the style they wanted to play was not his cup of tea.
Nils was replaced for a short period by a guy named Stele.
(Thank you for your help Nils ;) )
II. 1984 - 1988
No singer anymore, the Mayhem lineup was :
Øystein : guitar
Jørn : Bass
Kjetil : drums.
They made some rehearsals and recorded some demos.
In 1986, they recorded & released the first official demo : Pure Fucking Armageddon.
After its release, Øystein recruited two session vocalists :
Eirik Norheim (Messiah) & Sven-Erik Kristiansen (Maniac).
According to the band, Messiah played vocals only for a concert, which took place in April 1986 in Ski.
January 17 & 18, 1987 they recorded : Deathrehearsal.
In February/March 1987, the band recorded the EP Deathcrush at Creative Studio in Koboltn, with Maniac and Messiah on vocals.
They released it through Euronymous and Necrobutcher' newly formed label : Posercorpse Music.
By late of 1987 Maniac and Manheim left the band, filled temporarily by members of Vomit .
Øystein : guitar
Jørn : Bass
Kjetil : drums.
They made some rehearsals and recorded some demos.
In 1986, they recorded & released the first official demo : Pure Fucking Armageddon.
After its release, Øystein recruited two session vocalists :
Eirik Norheim (Messiah) & Sven-Erik Kristiansen (Maniac).
According to the band, Messiah played vocals only for a concert, which took place in April 1986 in Ski.
January 17 & 18, 1987 they recorded : Deathrehearsal.
In February/March 1987, the band recorded the EP Deathcrush at Creative Studio in Koboltn, with Maniac and Messiah on vocals.
They released it through Euronymous and Necrobutcher' newly formed label : Posercorpse Music.
By late of 1987 Maniac and Manheim left the band, filled temporarily by members of Vomit .
Manheim & Necro'. at primary school ( Langhus, 12 April 1981.)
Maniac and his friend Nella - Danemark 80's.
According to Manheim & Necrobutcher in an old interview, Nella is the one who designed the Mayhem logo.
Property of : Rosita Solli (thx ;) )
From : Dødsarkiv
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Euronymous live in Ski - April 20, 1985
Øystein - 19?
Property of : Rosita Soli
Øystein - 1986
Destructor (Euro), Messiah, Necrobutcher and Manheim - from Slayer mag. 1986
Mayhem - 1986 (?)
Necrobutcher - 1986
Euronymous, Angelripper, Necrobutcher - 1986
Photo by : Metalion
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Manheim - 1986
Manheim, Metalion, Necrobutcher, Euronymous - 1986
Jon Metalion & Øystein (right) - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Øystein, Jørn & Rob' (Assassin) - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Øystein - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Rob' (Assassin) & Øystein - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Necrobutcher & his friend Ragnar - Roskilde 1986
Thx : Ragnar Westin!!
Euronymous, Manheim
Metalion, ? , Euronymous
Property of : The True Mayhem Collection
Mayhem - 1986
by Kristian Bye
Mayhem - 1986 ?
Maniac and Kirk Hammett in Oslo - September 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous and Necrobutcher - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Necrobutcher - 1986
Necrobutcher - 1986
Manheim - 1986
Manheim - 1986
Property of : The true Mayhem collection.
( thx Finn ;) )
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous (not the same pictures, see the position of his hand) - 1986
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous (1987)
Necrobutcher (1987)
Many years later at the same place.
Necrobutcher and Warren S. - 2004
Tyrant (Nifelheim) and Necrobutcher - 2004
By Warren S.

Mayhem - Manheim, Maniac, Euro, Necro. - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
By Finn Hakon Rodland.
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem recording "Deathcrush" - 1987
Maniac 1986/87
From : Dødsarkiv
Maniac - 1987 (?)
Mayhem - Euronymous, Maniac, Necrobutcher (1987 - taken by Manheim)
Mayhem - Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Manheim (1987 - taken by Maniac)
Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous & Necrobutcher
Euronymous & Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous - 1987
Euronymous - 1987
Necrobutcher- 1987
Tyrant (Nifelheim) at the same place in 2004.
By Warren S.
Warren S. and Necrobutcher at the Deathcrush photo location - 2004
Property of Warren S.
Maniac - 1987
Maniac - 1987
By Finn Hakon Rodland.
Mayhem - Necrobutcher, Messiah, Euronymous, Manheim - 1986/87
Decay Lust and Euronymous - 1987
Decay Lust and Euronymous - 1987
Necrobutcher - 1987?
Øystein during the Deathcrush session - 1987?
Maniac during the Deathcrush session - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
The Mayhem car - 1987
The sticker on the wall is the one of a death metal band named "Matricide", from United States.
- Mother's day "demo 1987"
- Elysium "demo 1988"
Jean-Luc Falsini (Agressor), Alex Colin-Tocquaine (Agressor), Øystein Aarseth & Jon Kristiansen (Metalion)- 1987
Øystein was going to Antibes, in South-East of France to meet Agressor and make some trades.
He traded several copies of "Deathcrush" against copies of "Licensed to Thrash - split Loudblast/agressor" with Alex.
Thank you Alex ;)
Øystein, Jørn & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Øystein, Jørn & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Kittil (Vomit), Truls (Morbid mag., Amputation (Pre-Immortal)), Geir Thrasher, Øystein & Andy (Die Hard Mag.) - Nittedal 1987
Truls (Morbid Mag., Amputation (Pre-Immortal)), Jørn, Øystein & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Torben Grue, Kittil Kittilsen, Oystein, Jørn - 1987
Euronymous, Kittil, Torben Grue and Necrobutcher - 1987
Kittil, Euronymous, Necrobutcher and Torben Grue - 1987
Torben Grue, Necrobutcher, Kittil, Oystein - 1987
Kittil Kittilsen, Jørn, Øystein and Torben Grue - 1987
Property of : Alex Colin-Tocquaine (Agressor) & Kenneth R. A.
I don't know what to say about this picture...
Some people says it is Old Funeral with Abbath.
For me it is Euronymous with Torben Grue. - 1987
Back in the past.
Necrobutcher, Manheim, Messiah, Satyr & Nodde.
August 2015.
Messiah, Manheim & Necrobutcher.
August 2015.
Manheim & Messiah.
August 2015.
Maniac and his friend Nella - Danemark 80's.
According to Manheim & Necrobutcher in an old interview, Nella is the one who designed the Mayhem logo.
Property of : Rosita Solli (thx ;) )
From : Dødsarkiv
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Young Euronymous - 19??
Euronymous live in Ski - April 20, 1985
Øystein - 19?
Property of : Rosita Soli
Øystein - 1986
Destructor (Euro), Messiah, Necrobutcher and Manheim - from Slayer mag. 1986
Mayhem - 1986 (?)
Necrobutcher - 1986
Euronymous, Angelripper, Necrobutcher - 1986
Photo by : Metalion
Thx a lot to H. Deathster.
Necrobutcher, Metalion, friends (photo by Euronymous) - 1986---·▪•●•▪·---
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Øystein, taken from the first time he visited Maniac and Nella in Rjukan - 1986 (?)
From : The True Mayhem Collection.
Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Manheim - 1986
Manheim, Metalion, Necrobutcher, Euronymous - 1986
Jon Metalion & Øystein (right) - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Øystein, Jørn & Rob' (Assassin) - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Øystein - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Rob' (Assassin) & Øystein - 1986
Thx : Rob'
Necrobutcher & his friend Ragnar - Roskilde 1986
Thx : Ragnar Westin!!
Euronymous, Manheim
Metalion, ? , Euronymous
Property of : The True Mayhem Collection
Mayhem - 1986
by Kristian Bye
Mayhem - 1986 ?
Maniac and Kirk Hammett in Oslo - September 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Mayhem - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous and Necrobutcher - 1986
Euronymous - 1986
Necrobutcher - 1986
Necrobutcher - 1986
Manheim - 1986
Manheim - 1986
Property of : The true Mayhem collection.
( thx Finn ;) )
Euronymous - 1986
Euronymous (not the same pictures, see the position of his hand) - 1986
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
Manheim - 1987
---·▪•●•▪·---Euronymous (1987)
Necrobutcher (1987)
Many years later at the same place.
Necrobutcher and Warren S. - 2004
Tyrant (Nifelheim) and Necrobutcher - 2004
By Warren S.

Mayhem - Manheim, Maniac, Euro, Necro. - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
By Finn Hakon Rodland.
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem - 1987
Mayhem recording "Deathcrush" - 1987
Maniac 1986/87
From : Dødsarkiv
Maniac - 1987 (?)
Mayhem - Euronymous, Maniac, Necrobutcher (1987 - taken by Manheim)
Mayhem - Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Manheim (1987 - taken by Maniac)
Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous & Necrobutcher
Euronymous & Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous - 1987
Euronymous - 1987
Necrobutcher- 1987
Tyrant (Nifelheim) at the same place in 2004.
By Warren S.
Warren S. and Necrobutcher at the Deathcrush photo location - 2004
Property of Warren S.
Maniac - 1987
Maniac - 1987
By Finn Hakon Rodland.
Mayhem - Necrobutcher, Messiah, Euronymous, Manheim - 1986/87
Decay Lust and Euronymous - 1987
Decay Lust and Euronymous - 1987
Necrobutcher - 1987?
Øystein during the Deathcrush session - 1987?
Maniac during the Deathcrush session - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
Euronymous, Necrobutcher - 1987
The Mayhem car - 1987
The sticker on the wall is the one of a death metal band named "Matricide", from United States.
- Mother's day "demo 1987"
- Elysium "demo 1988"
Jean-Luc Falsini (Agressor), Alex Colin-Tocquaine (Agressor), Øystein Aarseth & Jon Kristiansen (Metalion)- 1987
Øystein was going to Antibes, in South-East of France to meet Agressor and make some trades.
He traded several copies of "Deathcrush" against copies of "Licensed to Thrash - split Loudblast/agressor" with Alex.
Thank you Alex ;)
Øystein, Jørn & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Øystein, Jørn & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Kittil (Vomit), Truls (Morbid mag., Amputation (Pre-Immortal)), Geir Thrasher, Øystein & Andy (Die Hard Mag.) - Nittedal 1987
Truls (Morbid Mag., Amputation (Pre-Immortal)), Jørn, Øystein & Kittil (Vomit) - Nittedal 1987
Torben Grue, Kittil Kittilsen, Oystein, Jørn - 1987
Euronymous, Kittil, Torben Grue and Necrobutcher - 1987
Kittil, Euronymous, Necrobutcher and Torben Grue - 1987
Torben Grue, Necrobutcher, Kittil, Oystein - 1987
Kittil Kittilsen, Jørn, Øystein and Torben Grue - 1987
Property of : Alex Colin-Tocquaine (Agressor) & Kenneth R. A.
I don't know what to say about this picture...
Some people says it is Old Funeral with Abbath.
For me it is Euronymous with Torben Grue. - 1987
Back in the past.
Necrobutcher, Manheim, Messiah, Satyr & Nodde.
August 2015.
Messiah, Manheim & Necrobutcher.
August 2015.
Manheim & Messiah.
August 2015.
Incredible collection ... how did you get the childhood photos of øystein, varg and the Dead?
RépondreSupprimerThe picture of Metalion and Euronymous wearing morbid angel and death shirts is with a guy named Denis Verger from the French bands Outburst and Suspiria.
RépondreSupprimerAwesome Pictures!!!